Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Field Day Assignment

You accept other opinions not only your own? A

You pay clear attention to someone’s opinion when they are talking although theirs might be different than your own? A

You go with your instinct rather than second guessing yourself? A

You are comfortable disagreeing with other people? A

You let your feelings control you and your decisions? S

You think before you speak? S

You openly accept criticism? A

You are curious about other opinions and options? A

You change opinions when new evidence is shown? S

Do you take time to answer questions? S


Critical Thinking:

Critical thinking I feel is completely different for each person. The person Jono and I interviewed stood behind his opinion but also was open to new opinions. He does act off of feeling sometimes but for the most part thinks about things thoroughly before speaking. So I think he is somewhat of a critical thinker. For me personally I feel like I am sometimes a critical thinker but more to myself. I always listen to other people’s opinions no matter if I agree with theirs or not and am always open to suggestion with new opinions but then again I am always one to let my feelings take control of pretty much every decision I make. I also for sure do not think before I speak and I take opinions very internally sometimes. I do think I can improve on being more opened with my opinions because I do tend to be more on the shy side when I feel uncomfortable or when I feel like my answer is wrong. Critical thinking is something I feel you either do, or you have to learn how to do.


  1. Hey Nicole!
    I just read your paragraph about critical thinking and I really like your viewpoint. It’s similar to the one I wrote about on my blog. I think you’re right when you wrote that critical thinking is something that people can learn how to do. We all have the ability to become successful critical thinkers since we all have opinions and beliefs about certain issues (even if we’ll admit them or not to other people). In the end, it’s entirely up to us to begin thinking critically and associating ourselves with traits related to critical thinking. So, I definitely think you can improve your critical thinking skills just like the rest of us can. It all ties back to the very first sentence you wrote, “Critical thinking I feel is completely different for each person.” And it is!

  2. Great post! I know exactly what you mean when you say you critically think more to yourself! I'm the same way sometimes. It depends on the situation I'm in. I'm also like you in the sense that if I feel like I'm wrong, than I'd rather not speak... but don't be scared to speak your mind :) I'm sure you have great thoughts that people would love to hear!
