Saturday, February 26, 2011

Exit Through The Gift Shop

I loved this documentary. I absolutely love looking around at street art everywhere I see it. The whole process of it is so cool and exciting. All of the artists (except Thierry) were so unique and amazing. I thought Thierry Guetta was a complete weirdo. He had a two second attention span and could not stick to one idea. He also was very unoriginal. He took other peoples ideas and attempted to make them his own. I also didn't like how he thought he could just be famous after one show that he basically didn't even do anything for. He hired a bunch of people and ordered them around while he scooted around on his one leg scooter. Banksy was definitely my favorite but he kind of creeped me out during the entire documentary. He was definitely the most talented and creative. I think Thierry should have just stuck to his first hobby filming. He completely deserted his family throughout the whole movie and I do not know how his wife stayed with him. By the end of the documentary I did not like Thierry very much as an artist or as a person. The part that stuck out to me the most was definitely when Thierry and Banksy were at Disneyland. That was not cool to me whatsoever. Why would they do that at a place where there are little kids that could get scared by it. And why did Thierry lie about it just for Banksy. I did not like that at all either. All an all a great documentary. It will definitely make me more aware about spotting street art and appreciating all that goes with it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So Monday, Valentines Day,  in class we talked about love and relationships and giving advice. I feel like giving relationship advice is great but every relationship is different and if you don't understand how the people are in the relationship then advice is hard to give. It's also hard having people that are not in a relationship understand the problems you're having or even try to relate. I feel like so many relationship problems stem from jealousy and not trusting the other person. Trust is so important in a relationship and I believe that if the other person hasn't done anything to lose your trust then trust them fully without question until they prove you otherwise. Girls are so crazy about other girls even talking to their boyfriends and they start fights and become crazy jealous and then eventually the guy will go crazy and break up with them because of it. But then again guys can be completely overprotective and do the exact same. People just need to be honest and have faith in each other otherwise a relationship can never succeed. Another important thing is don't give up everything especially your friends when you're in a relationship. So many people do this, especially girls, and once they break up they literally have no one and come crying back to their old friends who most likely will not accept them. Also not having friends is so unattractive to the other person especially if they kept close relationships with their friends because that person will become completely dependent and not let the other person hangout with their friends. One of my best friends just broke up with her boyfriend of three years. Ever since middle school she has always had a boyfriend and now being single she actually doesn't know what to do with herself. Since she always had a boyfriend she never really kept close relationships except with me and like two other people. Its just not a healthy way to live. Relationships are supposed to be fun especially when were so young and have so much ahead of us, why stress over the little things.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


"The more you play with it, the harder it gets. You sit there, eyes glued to the writhing, arcade quality graphics pulling and squeezing your knob. Now youre breathing heavily over the digital stereo sound. now you're shooting all over the place. but but its no use..."GAME OVER."

Many people would take this ad offensively, but I'm sure there is a great amount of people who think its completely harmless. I am definitely one that thinks its just funny and harmless. People need to stop being so crazy about advertisements needing to be regulated. The advertising companies have just as much right of free speech as we do, so they can say what they want to say and show what they want to show without needing to be punished for it. Yes the advertising companies do go too far sometimes but people just need to not take things so literally. People also need to realize that skinny "perfect" models are not real, yes in real life they may have good bodies but nothing close to how they look airbrushed and all made up. People need to gain the ability to know that many things shown in advertisements are not real!
Here's another innapropriate/ but not funny (at all) one for Popsicle's..

now that is an ad to get upset about..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Advertising and Childhood Obesity

We were talking about advertising in class the other day and the negativity about some advertisements. There were the models that were made to look completely too thin, the advertisements that were sending a bad image and all of the others that we didn't have too much time to look at. Although the models do affect children and young teens, I think that fast food advertising is by far the worst and most effective, especially among the youth. Children have such spongey minds especially at such a young age that if Mcdonald's or any other fast food restaurant shows a toy advertised for their favorite television show or movie they will automatically want that toy. They will beg and beg and beg their parents for the toy, then the parents will get sick of the begging and just take them to get the happy meal with over 600 calories for them to eat and get awarded with a toy. Although many people do not think that the toy is an "award" if you think about it, it truly is, the toy is an incentive or a bribe to have when they finish their meal. They usually cannot have the toy until their meal is eaten and then are given the toy. Advertising companies use child psychologists to figure out exactly how to get into the children's head. Obviously the companies have the complete right to do so and I do not object to that, I am just more interested in the effect that it has on the youth and what our society will be in time with all of these children being so overweight with such horrible health problems at such a young age.